Join Today For Only $25

Voting membership is open to anyone owning or residing in lake frontage property or property with deeded access to Walled or Shawood Lakes. Please join today and support your community with the $25 annual membership fee (and, wherever possible, your active participation). Proceeds go to communication and event costs, lake testing and analysis, and legal guidance. Mail your check payable to Lake Area Homeowners Association to P.O. Box 12, Walled Lake, MI 48390.

Non-voting associate memberships are available for area businesses for $75/year, which includes a presence through the year on the LAHA website, one month of premium positioning on the site, and one mention in the LAHA quarterly member email.

If you are interested in getting more involved in LAHA or have any suggestions on how to improve the Association, please email one of the association officers listed on the right. Your input and involvement is what will help make the lakes area thrive.

Membership Form

Click here to download membership form.  Mail to address above with a check for $25.